Avatar Mediated Communication

アバターコミュニケーションの研究 2022-Current

Robots and Avatar have been rapidly integrated into human and society such as healthcare, social inclusion and entertainment domains. However, do we know how robots and avatar influence human relations as well as society in general? Do we prepare enough to handle them in our society? How do we design our coming sustainable society where Robot and Avatar are integrated?


This research will;

– introduce the basic computer mediated communication theory and other theories related to influence of technologies on human and society.
– conduct an experiment: Through participatory experiments on Robots and Avatars, the course investigate short term / long term impact of robots and avatar interaction in our society.
– reflect on impacts of Robots and Avatars in society, taking security, privacy topics into consideration.

Research Domain

CMC (Computer Mediated Communication), CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work), PD (Participatory Design).

Key Theories

– Communication theory, and data transmission
– HCI and CMC (Computer Mediated Communication)
Participatory Design, Living Lab/リビングラボ
– Mediation Theory / Post Phenomenology


CommU, Intelligent Robotics Laboratory, Osaka University.
– Sota
– OriHime, Ory Lab
Lovot, GROOVE X, Inc.
– others