
Smart City

スマートシティ 2017-Current


What is “Smart City”? The word, Smart City,  often make people think  about internet connectivities, IoT, 5G, optical network and other technical side of the urban development. However, Smart City in Scandinavia hardly mention technologies but emphasise more on humane aspects.  Scandinavian Smart City is often characterised as “smart” urban development from sustainability and well-bing perspective and put humans in centre. In other words, “Smart City” is about improving quality of life and about creating Livable City with the help of advanced technology.

This doesn’t mean that ICT does not play an important role in Scandinavian Smart Cities such as Copenhagen, Stockholm and Helsinki Smart Cities. On the contrary, computer controlled smart grids (next-generation power grid) have prevailed all over the city area, smart meters have penetrated into private homes and offices, and traffic congestion control system with smart signals has implemented widely. In Scandinavia, where ICT has already embedded in every corner of life, the “smart” network and communication are blended into daily city life. Still, Scandinavian cities value more on soft aspect of the city.

The Involvement Digital Design Method, Living Lab, is also used heavily in Scandinavian smart city initiatives. In Scandinavia, living labs are deployed to understand how technology could be integrated into every day infrastructure of people’s life. The sociological perspectives for technology developments have become more and more important, and this is what Smart City in Scandinavia have been sought for and what Living Lab can contribute to.


私が関わるLiving Lab/リビングラボは、スマートシティにも活用されています。北欧ではリビングラボは、どうテクノロジーをインフラや日常に組み込んでいくかという文脈で使われています。ITが社会にこれだけ広まっている現在、技術ドリブンで動かすのではなく、より一層社会学的視点をもって、スマートシティを進める、つまり参加型デザインやリビングラボといったデザインアプローチを活用して、スマートな街づくりを進めていくことが重要です。


  • Scandinavian Smart City Book


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