Twitter: @mikayasuoka
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I am Associate Professor at Sustainable Digitalization, Institute for People and Technology, Roskilde University of Denmark. I am also Japanordic representative, Executive Advisor at Smart City Institute Japan, Super City Advisor of Aizu-Wakamatsu City Fukushima prefecture, Glocom guest researcher, Keio University lecturer, and JETRO contracted consultant.
Born in Japan, educated in Japan (Keio, Kyoto U, Tokyo U), US (Carnegie Mellon University) and Denmark, I have received international educations from computer science, information science and later interaction design and design methods (stakeholder involvements methods from in-depth user studies to co-creation, design thinking).
Received Ph.d. in 2009 from IT University of Copenhagen (ITU). Worked at ITU as assistant professor, Technical University of Denmark as research associate, and at Keio University.
My interests: Supporting social innovation with IT, IoT and computers by utilizing Scandinavian codesign approaches (from in-depth user studies to co-creation such as Participatory Design, Design Game, Living Lab) to design advanced large scale IT systems and services for social challenges in collaboration. My projects have usually been conducted as global projects with international universities, large global companies and public organizations. I am also a bridge builder between Denmark and Japan on Danish research, business, and culture.
I led hundreds of research, business and culture projects by involving stakeholders. Currently I am leading Living Lab project, Parenting IT project, and FinTech project. My projects are mainly conducted in collaboration with universities (Kyoto U, Keio U, Shibaura U), companies (NTT Data, KOKUYO, Tokyu Corp.), institutions (KDDI Research, NTT Research, Nomura Research, GLOCOM, JETRO) and public organizations (Japanese Ministries).
(Collaboration with NTT Service Evolution)
My work has been published mainly in academic journals and conferences. Some of them have been featured in business as well as design magazines. I published a couple of books as well.
Design methods I am interested in are deeply rooted in Nordic societies and their design tradition. Understanding society and people in Nordic region is critical, which lead me to conduct wider research on Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland and Greenland. Since 2012, I have appointed as a JETRO external consultant in Nordic regions.
Live in Denmark with Danish husband (I met him while I studied in US), daughter and son.
Specialties: IT Design methods (Participatory design, Design thinking), Computer Supported Intercultural Collaboration: User Interface, User studies, Collective creativity/ Danish E-government and e strategy and Scandinavian IT society.
北欧研究所代表。京都大学大学院情報学研究科修士、東京大学工学系先端学際工学専攻を経て、2009年にコペンハーゲンIT大学博士取得。コペンハーゲン IT 大学 アシスタントプロフェッサー、デンマーク工科大学リサーチアソシエイツを経て現職。北欧研究所主宰、スマートシティインスティチュートエグゼクティブアドバイザー、会津若松市スーパーシティアドバイザー、国際大学 GLOCOM 客員研究員、JETROデンマークコンサルタントなど。
近年は、主に日本の企業・団体・政府機関と共に、参加型デザイン手法に基づくオープンイノベーションの枠組み『リビングラボ』の研究を実施。また、コンサルティングも提供している。2018年には、『リビングラボの手引き – 実践家の経験から紡ぎ出した「リビングラボを成功に導くコツ」(下図参照)』を上梓した。
